our story


from little acorns, mighty oaks grow.


“the very essence of our business is all about the family spending quality time at home”

— Farah

Who would have thought that a few vegetables grown here and there would sow the seeds for a thriving, sustainable business? Since setting up in 2020, our mission has been to help people all over Malaysia green up their homes with our plants.

We’re here for every step - whether you’re finding your feet with your first houseplant, or one of your plants needs a little TLC, tanamsaraheights is here for you and your flowering friends.

cleo enjoying the garden

We grow both indoor and outdoor plants to brighten up your home. Since 2008, we have been slowly transforming our garden into a leafy wonderland, so that when you set foot there you almost forget you’re in the heart of Kuala Lumpur. Plants have the power to create a tranquil and relaxing home environment, which has been so important for us during MCO.

And, if nothing else, it gives the cats a whole jungle to explore!

get to know us a little bit more:

Shot and directed by SeeSaw Creative

take a peek into our world - as featured in The Edge